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i've aleady forgot the details, wait so he's still a virgin? i thought they already had se...

Yourstruly July 1, 2021 2:36 pm

i've aleady forgot the details, wait so he's still a virgin? i thought they already had sex

    Reira July 1, 2021 4:13 pm

    Hes a virgin in the literal sense that hes never penetrated before - for some reason they differentiate between that and being on the receiving end (which is just stupid imo, theres no way Kokusai can be considered any kind of a virgin anymore after all theyve done).
    Chiga basc thinks Kokusai wants to know what it feels like to put it in someone, which is why he offers up his own ass

    Chara July 1, 2021 7:18 pm
    Hes a virgin in the literal sense that hes never penetrated before - for some reason they differentiate between that and being on the receiving end (which is just stupid imo, theres no way Kokusai can be consid... Reira

    Wait so did Kokusai top Chiga since you say Chiga is offering up his own ass? I haven't read this manga for so many years I don't even remember a thing

    Yourstruly July 2, 2021 2:09 pm
    Hes a virgin in the literal sense that hes never penetrated before - for some reason they differentiate between that and being on the receiving end (which is just stupid imo, theres no way Kokusai can be consid... Reira