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dang uke, why you gotta slut-shame the girl? what did her wardrobe have to do with her bre...

5t3L August 26, 2016 3:57 am

dang uke, why you gotta slut-shame the girl? what did her wardrobe have to do with her breakup? you can be cool loner status without being douchey...

    Ya Chan August 26, 2016 1:46 pm

    Men often think like that. "If you wouldn't dress so sexy nobody would grope your ass. So its your own fault..."
    No one is ever at fault for being molested or abused, but women are told so all the time.

    laiya August 26, 2016 3:49 pm

    I was thinking the same!!! Thank you for noticing. But normal and likeable woman in yaoi are extremely rare either...

    5t3L August 26, 2016 6:19 pm
    I was thinking the same!!! Thank you for noticing. But normal and likeable woman in yaoi are extremely rare either... @laiya

    It's really perplexing to me how so much yaoi is written by women, however female characters are sooooo regularly demonised or are bad guys in the stories! I really end up appreciating mangas that have properly fleshed out female characters or where they are not evil just for the sake of drama.

    Ƀuʼnñỳ Ńàḋ August 27, 2016 3:29 am

    I am a girl. And I honestly think like males. And yes, to me, if women doesn't dress up in such a seductive way, they wouldn't be disturbed.
    Men are at fault too. Self control, bruh. There's got to be limits for everyone.

    Not just the women who are at fault, not just men who are at fault,
    We're all at fault regarding this matter.

    5t3L August 27, 2016 4:21 am
    I am a girl. And I honestly think like males. And yes, to me, if women doesn't dress up in such a seductive way, they wouldn't be disturbed.HOWEVER,Men are at fault too. Self control, bruh. There's got to be li... Ƀuʼnñỳ Ńàḋ

    Honestly, there shouldn't be a "thinking like a male" or "thinking like a female" about this issue. It's straight up about having respect for a person's self and autonomy. A short skirt wearing chick and a shirtless dude are the same to me. Neither of these people are inviting groping and other sexual shit. Everyone should keep their hands and judgements to themselves because we as humans should respect the individual's ownership of his/her body.

    Ƀuʼnñỳ Ńàḋ August 27, 2016 5:26 am
    Honestly, there shouldn't be a "thinking like a male" or "thinking like a female" about this issue. It's straight up about having respect for a person's self and autonomy. A short skirt wearing chick and a shir... 5t3L

    Hmnmn I suppose you're right .
    Shirtless totally hot dude is definitely okay *thumbs up with a nosebleed*

    Zoey Zoey Zoey August 27, 2016 5:37 am
    I am a girl. And I honestly think like males. And yes, to me, if women doesn't dress up in such a seductive way, they wouldn't be disturbed.HOWEVER,Men are at fault too. Self control, bruh. There's got to be li... Ƀuʼnñỳ Ńàḋ

    I feel like women should be able to walk around naked and not be fucked with. It's about respect. Where does it end, in Saudi Arabi showing your ankle is enough for men to think you're a slut. It's just a human body. It's not overly sexual unless your looking at it that way. But many societies have taught men that women are always sexual objects. It's your choice to think that way but understand what your buying into.

    souleaterG August 27, 2016 6:38 am
    I feel like women should be able to walk around naked and not be fucked with. It's about respect. Where does it end, in Saudi Arabi showing your ankle is enough for men to think you're a slut. It's just a human... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    Praise (●'◡'●)ノ

    lol August 27, 2016 7:25 am

    Lol guys, must I remind you this is just a manga? Chill man.

    Ƀuʼnñỳ Ńàḋ August 27, 2016 9:15 am

    Lol no I wouldn't want to see naked people, either male or female.I mean seriously, there are people who are disgusted by naked bodies, please just don't.
    I say I would like a shirtless handsome guy but honestly, just shirtless. Wear some pants for real.

    5t3L August 27, 2016 1:53 pm
    Lol guys, must I remind you this is just a manga? Chill man. @lol

    bruh obvs it's jus a manga, but it's also a reflection of mass media and i think it's pretty alright to spark discussion based on the messages it sends :)

    Ƀuʼnñỳ Ńàḋ August 28, 2016 8:44 am

    We have an annoying button. Where is the like button, I need it lol

    manganiME August 29, 2016 3:01 pm

    I made a comment below and will kinda reiterate: You guys are missing the point of what the mangaka seems to be doing. It's to show 1. keen observation of character and 2. the idea that how we behave may be in contradiction to what we really want. (Which may be a theme of this manga, after all, or at least it's hinting.)

    She is dressed very skimpily and seductively, so he interprets that to mean that though she is fighting with the guy, she REALLY wants the guy to come back to her and desire her and choose HER.

    This is not that hard to believe given how people behave in relationships. Humans are complex that way. We actually will say things like, "Don't talk to me," but what we may want is for someone to urgently try to talk to us and seek us out. We may say, "I don't like him," when we're mad about him. We may say, "I'll never forgive you," when we really mean, "I will forgive you and I want to forgive you, but I need you to act in a way that shows you're really, really sorry."

    How many times have we seen couples fight and say horrible things, but htey really want to stay together. So, he sees this girl, observes her dress vs her action, and he's come to the conclusion she wants the guy to want her.

    That's my take on it. Not meant to slam women. Meant to show the hidden things in people and the observant gift of the character (and maybe he's projecting himself, acting one way, wanting to be or have something else.)

    5t3L August 29, 2016 5:45 pm
    I made a comment below and will kinda reiterate: You guys are missing the point of what the mangaka seems to be doing. It's to show 1. keen observation of character and 2. the idea that how we behave may be in ... manganiME

    Let me clarify again, I only took issue to the fact that her dressing was assumed as "seductive" as a snap judgement and i was throwing shade at the uke for that. I would hold anyone in real life accountable as well for saying the same shit about either gender. Anyway, I hope it's as you say and it's a projection thing or a means of showing character growth for the uke.

    Generally though, slamming of women does tend to be a trend in yaoi, and it's a very cliche trope now that sours my feelings towards the story sometimes.

    manganiME August 29, 2016 9:54 pm
    Let me clarify again, I only took issue to the fact that her dressing was assumed as "seductive" as a snap judgement and i was throwing shade at the uke for that. I would hold anyone in real life accountable as... 5t3L

    You're right there. The stereotype "bitch" in yaoi IS a cliche.