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[Unwanted Opinion] (●'◡'●)ノ So far this is how I feel about the story. This was...

。゚❁ Mango 。゚❁ July 2, 2021 6:01 am

[Unwanted Opinion] (●'◡'●)ノ

So far this is how I feel about the story.

This was absolutely disgusting to witness and also I got second hand embarrassment ...what the actual fuck is up with this manga. Bro this is becoming actual trashhhhhh. The art is good but the story flops big time!!! I’m so disappointed in this. The potential it had is all gone to me. I thought there was going to be another layer and depth to these characters but sadly it doesn’t seem like that’s ever going to happen. Like we know the seme is gonna turn around and be good later but he barely has any flavor. There absolutely no foundation to his personality if I had to be honest. Plus he’s also a rapist so .....
(︶︿︶)=凸 .... I thought them being royals and shit, this manga would have better writing and communication but sadly other than the art, everything is completely fucked lmaoooo. Jace’s character seems genuine and real at times but it’s still not enough. I thought Jace was supposed to be kinda brave and clever but he seems dumb as the others. He himself barely cared when he was raped and assaulted like huhhhh????This whole manga is just crappy writing. They need to hire someone better cuz this is trashhhhhhhhh (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

(If anyone wants to agree/disagree and join in a discussion then feel free!

    Yes July 2, 2021 6:02 am

    I agree

    Extant July 2, 2021 6:26 am

    I still see potential in this story.

    Jace’s reaction to being raped wasn’t that he didn’t care. You could see his tears at the end of the chapter. I feel like his reason for staying silent at that time was because of pride. He was stripped of it and the only thing he could do to maintain what little was left of it was to take it without wailing. The Duke easily overpowers Jace so even if he were to fight back he wouldn’t be able to escape. Maybe he just didn’t want to feel any more pathetic. Plus, now that everything has gone to shit, there’s a lot of room for character growth (my favorite part of any story).

    This scene was disappointing.

    I personally like Jace. I can understand him. He has a lot of pride. It’s part of the reason he hasn’t shared his thoughts and feelings with the Duke. He doesn’t want to appear so vulnerable in front of someone who he already had a bad impression from. He also has bad experiences from previous relationships. He has issues that he has to solve before entering a relationship and I’m looking forward to seeing him work through them. I think Jace is a really relatable and well thought out character who has a lot of room for growth. I just hope my expectations aren’t too high.

    The Duke however is a pretty bland character. He’s slightly better than most of the trashy rich male leads we get but he’s still a rapist. I just hope the author can redeem him and if not at least give him a spicier personality because right now it’s as bland as salt and pepper. And he’s very much a hypocrite. He was angry at the man who raped Jace when he went to go rescue him but turned around to do the exact same thing (actually worse since it was purely derived from hate and possessiveness)

    Overall I’ve liked the story up until these last few chapters, but I still see potential so I won’t drop it.