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History of FL and her sisters relationship. Im stopping before FL's engagement.

Alenira July 2, 2021 9:27 am

History of FL and her sisters relationship.

The early years age 0-12

Fl was the firstborn and had red hair, which was uncommon. Her parents still loved her.
L (the sister) was born, L was premature and weak so she had to be cared for extra. As L became a bit older, she was still weak and easerly got sick. This caused the parents to have to care for her extra, at the same time this ment caring less for FL. So the parents came to the conclution that rather than neglect FL they would send her to her grandmothers, who was a strong idependant smart nobel lady respected by most.

Fl came to live with her grandmother who cared and nurtured her natural talents and loved her, sadly grandmother died. Before dying, grandmother gave FL a locket with her picture in it (family hairloom from grandmothers side).

Fl came home after 6+ years and was now 12, only to find her parentshad forgotten all about her and a sister asking who she was.
Fl grew distant and was forced to take on all nobel responcibilities because her sister "didnt wana" do them, so the parents told FL to pick up the slack. Soon FL was also responcible for the family affairs and payment of servants, as the parents hands were full dealing with her sister.

Fl age 12-16

L was spoiled and knew by throwing a tantrum she would get her wish, the only exeption being FL.
This causes L to resent FL as she felt FL was "Rubbing her nobility" in her face, so L would interrup FL's (aka L's work) and throw a tantrum because FL was ignoring her. This resulted in the parents scolding FL and L being happy!.

L learned that FL had an locket she treasured, so naturaly she wanted it. But FL said no and didnt give it to her as it was FL's only memory of her grandmother.

One day while FL was out doing errans for the parents, L snuck into FL's room and trashed it in search for the locket, she found it and stole it.
Fl some home to find her room trashed and the locket missing!, FL runnes to the academy to confront her sister. FL confronts L and asks why she did that and to returne the locket.

L screams "i tooks it because you always bully me!" (refering to fl not spoiling her and always working). FL says "It wasnt yours to take". L retaliates by screaming and saying that it was just and old ugly locket so she threw it away as it was trash!.

FL walks over and slaps L (hence why she is called evil and bullying L), L starts screaming and crying and telling everyone that her sister always bullies her and so forth..
After this Fl is officialy "The Evil", and everyone simps for L.

FL 16+

FL is managing all the houses finances, + her nobel duties + helping the king in her fathers stead (hence the "lover" at the palace rumor), FL is engaged to a man that donst wana marry her. He is only her fiance in order to stop FL from "bullying" L.. aka a L Simp.

Fl is the core of nobel gala society and the main contributer to keeping it fresh and civil.

Fl has gotten use to being called "the evil lady" even when she is helping ppl..
Tho she finds it od that helping someone and them being thankfull for the help, all changes into hate for her when L showes up.

Meanwhile L is opting to be engaged to their kingdoms prince (after all in her head she deserved only the best..). L "hosts" charities for the commoners as she sees herself as a "tomboy rebel".. but behind the sceens it is FL organising it all... L is just the "Face" of the charity..

The only ppl not hating FL are the ppl L has no contact with so FL has her doubts deep down, if this is real hatered ppl have for her or if its something els.

Side note:

L has magic just like FL but L's magic is used subconciously, and is manipulation / charm magic.

    Ria July 2, 2021 11:13 am

    I hate L she’s a horrible person a total spoiled brat and pick me girl I hope she gets what she deserves

    Reader1234 July 2, 2021 3:25 pm

    Thank you!

    Omegaversemaniac July 5, 2021 7:12 pm

    Thanks for the spoiler!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧On a side note though...

    How could Athanasia's parents possibly forget their own daughter!?ヽ(`Д´)ノ Σ(っ°Д °;)っMaybe it's a side effect of their other daughter's magic but it seems strange that they COMPLETELY forgot about her to the point of asking Athansia who she was.(⊙…⊙ )

    And while based on the spoiler provided it seems they didn't mistreat Athansia the other fact that she was automatically put as the one in the wrong anytime she did something that upset or irritated their other daughter kind of irks scratch that it really pisses me off!(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Alenira July 5, 2021 8:27 pm
    Thanks for the spoiler!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧On a side note though...How could Athanasia's parents possibly forget their own daughter!?ヽ(`Д´)ノ Σ(っ°Д °;)っMaybe it's a side effect of their other daugh... Omegaversemaniac


    Like you said, its because of L's magic.
    L was always sick and around the age of 2-4 when FL was sent away, and primarly she never left her room as she was bedridden. Due to her weak constitution, FL wasnt alowed near her (kids are desease prone, think imunal conpromised).
    As FL was away for 6+ years, L was around the age of 8-10 when FL came back.
    For those 6+ years L was been cared for and her every need was delt with, but at the same time as she got better she was also introduced to her responcibilities as a nobel daughter aka manners, dress code and so forth.
    L hates studying so when she is unhappy she subconciously activate her "charm" magic and influence ppl around her. The longer someone is exposed to her "charm" the more they are influenced, this includes to the point af becomming almost fanatic and at the same time their mind is ocupied with the need to support and help L in every way.

    As the parents were personaly caring for L, they were exposed to her "Charm" almost 24/7, and when FL came home L learned she wasnt the only one and that her sister beat her in every category. So naturaly being the spoiled brat L was, she became angry and unhappy at FL for existing. This increaseed L's "charm" and so the parents became abusive twards FL.

    L dosnt wana do the obligations of being a nobel, but was fine with being treated as one and reaping all the benifits. But that was until the talented, beautiful and nobel well mannored FL came home. L could see Fl being better than her and devoted, hence she chose to go the opersit rout aka "Tomboy commoner suporter". This way she can justify her hatred for FL as FL is "a prime example of what she is fighting against".
    Ad to that 3+ years of being in the Academy and being from a prestigious family, L has pretymuch meet and affected them all in one way or another with her "charm".

    FL on the other hand is immune to L's "charm" because she herself has +20x more magic power than L and hence has learned to controle it.

    Later in the story Fl and Ml drop by her home and see her parents and brother, and both mother and father great them and welcome them in! The parents remember their treatment of FL and regret not seeing her off when she got married. But sadly L comes home and just by hearing her voice... both parents expressions turne cold, their eyes go dead and they become comepletely difrent ppl. The parents instantly berate FL and tells her to leave, that she isnt their responcibility and so forth.
    The brother gives FL a look of " this is L's doing" and is draged back into the house.

    When FL and Ml leave, Ml notes how the sound of L caused the parents to go in to a trance like state and change as if a switch had been flipped. They note its simular to the cult like "brainwashing" of the bad guys sect.