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Zero 2 July 2, 2021 6:48 pm

Is it normal for Japanese to cheat??? Because I've hardly ever seen a smut where the mc hasn't been cheated on. Idk why they believe the mc getting cheated on, than introducing the fml is a good story idea? It's not only in this, It's in almost every smut webtoon that exists, smh.

    samster July 2, 2021 7:47 pm

    Netorare is a pretty popular fetish, from what I hear.

    Zero 2 July 3, 2021 1:56 am
    Netorare is a pretty popular fetish, from what I hear. samster

    I truly don't understand it.

    BrandedEmblem July 17, 2021 3:01 am

    Uhmm, you had me with Japanese and ending it with webtoon. You do know webtoon is Korean right? So you should be asking if its normal for "Koreans" to cheat?

    Zero 2 July 17, 2021 3:12 am
    Uhmm, you had me with Japanese and ending it with webtoon. You do know webtoon is Korean right? So you should be asking if its normal for "Koreans" to cheat? BrandedEmblem

    My comment isn't that deep bro, no need to go so specific on me.