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Reconciling time too long!!!!

blackcat23 August 27, 2016 3:23 pm

Rereading this, I still really want Minami to end with Sawada. I can forgive Sawada for rejecting Minami from the start and all. What I cannot forgive is the f*cking long time they realized they are really the one for each other and hurt other people. Don't get me wrong, I really love Katagiri for supporting Minami (I just ship MinamiXSawada).. For such a period, Minami can fall already with Katagiri (reality speaking and don't forget their constant love making although I know it isn't about only the body but K really loves M and M wants to return thee love to K).. Just stressing the 1year they are not with each other and all but oh well, happily ever after for the two mc.
