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I haven't read this

am i waifu material? July 3, 2021 6:22 am

but i read the comments maybe the smuts and the characters relationship is cnc sex. cnc sex is consensual non-consent sex kinda thing. the plot can and the character's characteristics or likes and dislikes can change your perspective on the sexual scenes

    ale_ azeneth July 3, 2021 11:57 pm

    i dont think so cus in the 1st ep he wakes up naked with the dude and the 2nd ep its like a flashback.1st off the guy was black out drunk and needed to shower so obvi the guy "helps" him shower and the deunk guy is saying no stop it i dont like it REPEATEDLY. 2nd cnc is soemthing that happens between 2 ppl that have TALKED it out and have agreed upon certain terms and have boundaries and a safe word the who idea is consent correct? there is no consent here just a drunk guy who was raped and taken advantage of im literally 2 episodes in and its gross and i feel sick in the stomach idk how ppl can read this frl maybe it turns into a cnc relationship later on?? but the first 2 eps prove other wise i dint recomend

    am i waifu material? July 4, 2021 4:44 pm
    i dont think so cus in the 1st ep he wakes up naked with the dude and the 2nd ep its like a flashback.1st off the guy was black out drunk and needed to shower so obvi the guy "helps" him shower and the deunk gu... ale_ azeneth

    Im currently reading the story and it was rape im fucking done

    ale_ azeneth July 18, 2021 7:10 am
    Im currently reading the story and it was rape im fucking done am i waifu material?

    ywah i didnt get far before realizing that. istg ppl romanticize rape and its fucking disgusting. ppl think its hot like no its not get fucking help