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well thank god i read it

ensorcelled. July 3, 2021 3:04 pm

not the best one out there but not half as awful as everyone made it to be

the top comments were very off putting. the only thing i didn't vibe with was kissing the married friend and brushing it off as "okay" but aside from that, all this negativity around makoto was plain slut shaming. and it's even more frustrating when the story literally revolves around how dedicated and hard working makoto is in order to keep the shopping district and community going, but shou fails to appreciate that bc he's so hung up about makoto indulging in multiple sexual relationships. i meaaaan makoto literally thinks through all the aspects that can grow the district altogether by making sure produce and resources were from trusted and quality sellers. but nooooo, let's hate on him because he "sleeps around" (again definitely not agreeing abt the married dude kissing moment but yeah i digress). as pointed out by other comments, the double standards on semes being sexually liberated and seeing that as some sort of appeal or whatever, and then shitposting over ukes who engage in multiple consenting sexual escapades-- is just disappointing. i feel like a lot of this "ughhh uke sleeps around cant with this" comments didn't even try to really read along because makoto's behavior was even given context (albeit vague through the conversation abt makoto yearning for affection bc of his parents not being around) and honestly some monologues from makoto are easily a look into his internal conflicts. it's not the best story at fleshing out the characters, especially with how abruptly it ended imo, but i think it gave enough narrative to piece together one plot device to another.

i mean that's just me.

    Kykyshino April 23, 2024 8:37 pm

    This is late but My problem is that it ended abruptly and I would like to see more development in the relationship. I don’t mind an uke that sleeps around, but I do mind when an author puts too much focus on it more than the relationship and sex life with the seme. I didn’t like it in Hourou Inu to Mayoi Neko. Oddly enough even when we have a seme that sleeps around, the author still focuses on the relationship with the uke(from what I’ve seen)

    Kykyshino April 23, 2024 8:42 pm

    Like we’ve seen move sex scenes with the ukes sex friends but NONE with his ACTUAL love interest wth. I’m not made at the uke or slut shaming him. I’m mad at the author

    ensorcelled. April 25, 2024 2:23 pm
    Like we’ve seen move sex scenes with the ukes sex friends but NONE with his ACTUAL love interest wth. I’m not made at the uke or slut shaming him. I’m mad at the author Kykyshino

    ohhhh it's been so long since I've read this so it's a good time to re-read i guess. but yeah i do think the general sentiments was how abrupt the ending was. i think the author could've paced the story better to give us more chance to see how the relationship between the couple goes so i get why it can be frustrating

    Kykyshino April 26, 2024 7:48 pm
    ohhhh it's been so long since I've read this so it's a good time to re-read i guess. but yeah i do think the general sentiments was how abrupt the ending was. i think the author could've paced the story better ... ensorcelled.

    I actually like how the “Slutty Uke” was portrayed MUCH better in Jou-sama no Roommate, they managed to make his relationship with the ml seem so genuine and I was fully convinced that the uke liked him and everything.