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Something I find really admirable about the story is how Hwi isn't portrayed as a Mary Sue...

thoughts August 30, 2016 11:49 am

Something I find really admirable about the story is how Hwi isn't portrayed as a Mary Sue character that has uncharacteristically masculine strength or manipulative prowess; she simply follows her own convictions and does what she can. She is wise at some points and selfish in others and yet I think that's what distinguishes her from other historical heroines. She wasn't blessed with any godly powers and she can only do what she can as herself, regardless of how little or that amounts to. Her character adds a layer of helplessness but also realism that other manhwas/mangas of similar genres fail to portray.

    Blubeagle October 12, 2018 11:59 am you! (LOL) Great observation.

    fxck me & feed me November 4, 2018 7:58 am

    Wow, you took the exact sentiment I was feeling and put it into words. Couldn't agree more.