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This is arghhhh...

Lily of the nile July 4, 2021 5:24 pm

I felt terrible after reading this. This is literally hurting me too much that I couldn't handle. The rape and how the rapist became your lover is nope... I always think and emerge myself to the character of the mc for me to understand him/her but this... if you fell in love first to someone.. then that someone raped you.. doesn't that make you feel disgusted, traumatized and Uncomfortable even seeing his shadow or the air he breath after doing that to you...??? Such a vile character was a pepper on my mouth and is hard to swallow. It should never ever be romanticize. The seme wasn't and doesn't redeemed himself to me. I wanna kill him and the other stalker or atleast no pity for them.
Nah ah!
