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yooo, i have a question. Isnt the wolf basically useless (in terms of fighting) considerin...

here for the memes July 4, 2021 5:42 pm

yooo, i have a question. Isnt the wolf basically useless (in terms of fighting) considering the fact that red hood could have just wiped out the witch without hurting himself if the wolf didn't interfere? ik the wolf wants to kill the witch himself but hes not as strong as red hood tho

    here for the memes July 4, 2021 5:43 pm

    wait bfore someone cancels me ik hes not useless ok i genuinely adore them so much and the wolf is my fav character but im just referring to in terms of the final fight with the witch

    HoneyBear July 11, 2021 8:09 am

    Ig the most important thing he contributed was his healing powers cause without him Airhead would’ve died. You’re right thought, idk how much he really contributed in terms of physical fighting power. He just kinda angrily threw himself in there and got really emotional lmfao