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Stop yapping

Jungkook bae July 5, 2021 3:04 am

Honestly everyone is going around blaming the cousin saying she's ungrateful and shit. Well try getting kidnapped cuz they wanted Ellen and not cuz you are also the Lady of the house. Try having everyone abandon you and look down on you a mere child just cuz your mom's doing. All of the thought she's gonna be the same as her mother but did they once see her for herself? No.

I don't blame the cousin or Ellen. I blame the parents and the adults in the household ( not Ellen's parents cuz they don't stay in the house and has no idea what's going on) She studied on her own. She has no one to guide her. Always left to do what she wants without having anyone to educate her. And idk if y'all forgotten but MC remembers her past life as an adult which is why she's well mannered.

I saw spoilers of how Ellen and her becomes close in the future which makes sense cuz I can see Ellen as someone who will reach out to her which the rest of the adults failed to do so.
