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Now see everyone. That's why you shouldn't bully anyone. Then turn into psychoes

Only1afton September 3, 2016 12:26 am

Now see everyone. That's why you shouldn't bully anyone. Then turn into psychoes

    CrystalAris September 3, 2016 12:28 am

    ^^ We all have dark sides ^^

    ^^ all we need to do is embrace it ^^

    aquaamia September 3, 2016 2:01 am
    ^^ We all have dark sides ^^ ^^ all we need to do is embrace it ^^ CrystalAris

    I dunno if Eyama should embrace his dark side ho..

    CrystalAris September 3, 2016 2:15 am
    I dunno if Eyama should embrace his dark side ho.. aquaamia

    I donno about him embrassing it, it more like the bully unlocked it and ... he ....><

    manganiME September 3, 2016 9:35 pm

    I think about all those poor students who committed suicide due to bullying. Wish they'd taken a knife to their bullies, instead. I mean, if you're prepared to die--take them with you. If you survive, then the same laws that protect juvenile thugs (the bullies), should protect the killer who snapped and stabbed his bullies. Yep. We need more of the victims just going psycho on their tormentors.

    Only1afton September 3, 2016 10:00 pm

    The problem is when they snap innocent people die. I live in US with school shootings that seem to become the norm

    CrystalAris September 3, 2016 10:15 pm
    I think about all those poor students who committed suicide due to bullying. Wish they'd taken a knife to their bullies, instead. I mean, if you're prepared to die--take them with you. If you survive, then the ... manganiME

    Think about it. Would you want to kill someone? Do you ever feel like it'll somehow become a 'joy' or 'fun' and that fills you with dread. Instead of them being 'pitiful' I find them to be more 'noble' for choosing to end their lives instead of harming others. sure it's not favorable/ acceptable to 'kill' but 'self sacrifice' is glorified (hence why we have people joining the military, knights, glory and so on).

    Killing for your self gratification is 'bad' but for your nation it is seen as 'good' (though superior take good credit and blame the subordinates for the "mis-deeds" ...welcome to life.) But such is the world we so claimed 'civilized' humans live in.

    Besides revenge won't sole anything, if these 'bullied' people killed their bullies their lives (in society) would be ruined. so why not just 'end' it once and for all without dragging other with you. rather than walk into a school pissed and massacre other students (who watched and didn't do anything) teachers (who also don't care since its not THEIR JOB) and maybe some innocent bystanders rather than take those people with me I'd rather put pressure on the school, teachers and others with my 'suicide' and make their life a living hell (use propaganda to it's fullest) after all death is only the beginning and the 'mob' can be crazed but powerful.

    So I actually respect those who chose to end their lives instead of others. And to be brave enough to by pass that physical pain, it still takes courage (maybe not 'good' courage from others perspective, but still courage).

    What I do hate are people that kill others for a spetical, for fun. Killing should have a purpose. After all are we not 'civilized' ? Even animals don't kill for fun... they haven't reached that 'advancement' yet. Go on and say bull fighting, but that's human induced not one bit the fault of the animal.

    manganiME September 3, 2016 11:23 pm
    Think about it. Would you want to kill someone? Do you ever feel like it'll somehow become a 'joy' or 'fun' and that fills you with dread. Instead of them being 'pitiful' I find them to be more 'noble' for choo... CrystalAris

    I don't find nobility in suicide, even if I have wanted to do it myself at times, especially as a teen. It's not solving the problem. The bullies keep bullying. They just find another target. It's better to raise a stink: protest, go to the police, go to the press, secretly record and upload to youtube, sue.

    But if I was gonna die anyway as a teen, before my life got a full chance to be lived, I"m gonna try to solve the bully problem by maiming or killing the bully. Then they won't bully the next person and I'd probably just get medical care cause "I am a minor and snapped."

    I suspect if more students targeted bullies--not the innocent, bullies--that the police, administration, parents would have to be involved. They can ignore or cover up bullying. They can't ignore maimed or dead students. THe press alone would be there. Social commentators would be all over what and why and the police and the gov't.

    Sometimes, people just have to consider it a war and fight back. Because silence gives bulies power. Suicide give bullies power. They probably smirk and feel great that they could dominiate a life to its end.

    Look at the kid (was it Australia? NZ?) who fought back against his bully. It was on Youtube and suddenly the kid's parents are apologizing, the kid is promising not to do that anymore, etc. Publicizing it. Making the bullied kid feel empowered and supported.

    Suicide is an act of despair. Fighting back is a sign of hope.

    manganiME September 3, 2016 11:26 pm
    The problem is when they snap innocent people die. I live in US with school shootings that seem to become the norm Only1afton

    Bullying tends to be supported by a system. The teachers, administration, even fellow students are often conspirators or enablers. But I did not speak about the sort of snap that is massacre. I'm talking about a bullied kid stopping to think, "I'm so miserable that I'm ready to end my life. I"ll end the bullie's too."

    A classroom knows if a kid is being bullied. They stay silent and allow it. We have to raise kids who refuse to allow it. Who report it to parents and authorities. Who record stuff and share it with authorities. Who refuse to allow one or two to become prey so they're "safe."

    CrystalAris September 3, 2016 11:59 pm
    Bullying tends to be supported by a system. The teachers, administration, even fellow students are often conspirators or enablers. But I did not speak about the sort of snap that is massacre. I'm talking about ... manganiME

    Well the massacre was just an example of what the news has been showing lately (that and schools are picking up with the "lock down" rather than the REAL problem).

    And have you ever read though (I think) ghorr type stories where for some reason its somehow exciting rather than frightening and you relish in it almost which you can get away with because you can argue it Hollywood and not real, but sometimes I feel kind of like I'll lose myself (like in 'Night of the Beasts') if I were to knife a bully (like in 'Pay it Forward' ...course it was the opposite...) and ended up killing them it'd set me on ... a ... rather dark path.... ^^' kindda like becoming crazy like in this manga ^^'

    manganiME September 4, 2016 1:04 am
    Well the massacre was just an example of what the news has been showing lately (that and schools are picking up with the "lock down" rather than the REAL problem).And have you ever read though (I think) ghorr t... CrystalAris

    I think it's more evil to bully than to fight against bullies. It's silence and fear that lets them prosper. I don't think you lose yourself when you fight back. You sometimes get yourself back.

    CrystalAris September 4, 2016 3:51 am
    I think it's more evil to bully than to fight against bullies. It's silence and fear that lets them prosper. I don't think you lose yourself when you fight back. You sometimes get yourself back. manganiME

    ^^ Sometimes. ^^ And I do agree bullying is more evil, ... and retaliation is acceptable, but I wonder just how far is 'safe'.

    I'm perfectly fine with 'an eye for an eye' criteria "do on to others" and Expect return good or 'bad'.

    I do not like that these 'bullies' get away with this in ANY form where school bullying or other forms of adult bullying (which happens even AFTER school) the fact that its the norm, he who has power rules the world (mostly money at this point...><).

    Funny thing 'hero's' talk of 'justice' but what is justice and how far is it allowed to go? every perspective is different, though normally its the person who LAST retaliates who takes the 'fall'/ punishment some say 'you can NOT meet violence with violence' but how else do we fight... no stand up for ourselves? "They" say to 'stand up and Fight' but "They" never say what they MEAN by 'fight' ... funny isn't it, these 'unwritten' laws of society.

    manganiME September 4, 2016 4:50 am
    ^^ Sometimes. ^^ And I do agree bullying is more evil, ... and retaliation is acceptable, but I wonder just how far is 'safe'.I'm perfectly fine with 'an eye for an eye' criteria "do on to others" and Expect re... CrystalAris

    When the society doesn't solve the problem through normal channels--school administration, police/justice system--then I think individuals should be able to handle it. I think school policies that punish EVERYONE who fights, without trying to get to the real issue--if someone is making my life a horror, why can't I fight back?--is part of the problem. Minors depend on adults to protect them. When they don't, then, well, they will either suffer, self-harm, or other-harm. If it were my kid, I'd rather they tell me and we try to figure something out. But some kids won't talk to parents out of fear that they will make the situation WORSE or out of shame (for being weak) or not to cause trouble for parents (that would have been me).

    I fought back when attacked and was not bothered again. So, my advice if I had a kid is talk to me first, but if your life is in danger, take them out if you can. WE'll worry about lawyers later.

    CrystalAris September 4, 2016 5:47 am
    When the society doesn't solve the problem through normal channels--school administration, police/justice system--then I think individuals should be able to handle it. I think school policies that punish EVERYO... manganiME

    ^^ You too ^^ I had this kid who kept sticking out their foot on the bus when it was my stop (an it happened like 4 times) I understand once and such but when they were enjoying it -_- it was annoying so I told my parents and mom said I could stop on her foot XD.

    So it told the bus driver what would happen if she stuck out her foot (plus said I would train so I could eventually break her foot if she did it after that ^^. Ironically that same day on the return home we had a sub and guess what she stuck out her foot ^^ so I stomped (and boy did that feel good ^^) and then told the sub what I had said to the original bus driver that morning (telling him I told the original what would happen too) and I'm pleased to say she Never stuck her foot out again.

    So it defiantly helps if your parents are willing to stand with you, and I'm fine with fighting back especially when its so satisfying. XD

    Only1afton September 4, 2016 9:35 pm

    I'm lucky I live in a community were our schools have a no bullying policy. I don't have to worry about my kids. They are very serious about it and do take action no matter who your parents are or how rich you are. The kids are encouraged to tell teachers and adults about bully's. A lot more kids have come to see that bullying is not cool. ( yes I have kids. I'm old )14 and 6 year old

    CrystalAris September 4, 2016 10:44 pm
    I'm lucky I live in a community were our schools have a no bullying policy. I don't have to worry about my kids. They are very serious about it and do take action no matter who your parents are or how rich you ... Only1afton

    Well even though my school had bullying... ^^ I was oblivious to it ^^' if they tried to poke fun at me (thank to my dads teasing) I thought I join in XD I had so much fun when they are like 'are you dumb?' I was like, "Can't you see? I'm blond ^^'" then I'd tell them my lives stories (I wouldn't stop at one or two ^^') I was having a blast.... I think they eventually stopped ^^ that and they stopped telling dirty jokes around me cause I didn't get them and ^^ would contently ask what was so funny then they'd say the punch line and still I didn't get it ^^.

    Being naïve and blond can be dangerously fun ^^... that and some guys were having 'fun' so I showed off a kick to his nose (about no more than a cm away from his face) ^^ it was fun ^^ he sat down in his desk immediately... I wanted more fun though ^^

    But maybe I was just lucky... I knew a lot of people... and I was like a teacher's pet as a student ^^... only a few didn't like me including the VP (he was a D though so no hard feelings ^^)