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even if aubrey was totally insane and her fate inevitable, i didn't like the way she was t...

Oreides July 6, 2021 6:24 am

even if aubrey was totally insane and her fate inevitable, i didn't like the way she was treated. They all suspected that something is wrong with her, that she might run into something... but they ALL choose to avoid the matter. A simple "no", "don't do it" or just locking her away never helps and it didn't help. I'm really sorry for the family. I think about the conversation between the parents in front of the fireplace all the time. never again will they have such a quiet time with easy conversation.

    Ruri July 6, 2021 12:15 pm

    Yeah, normally in stories like these, when a character like Aubrey comes around, when that character is killed off I don't even bat an eye, but it was different this time. Her family was so good, respectable and loyal to the duke, and like whole heartedly too, not scheming or conniving like some nobles playing kiss ass. No they actually contributed and had been loyal for a very long time so when they had to be punished for what Aubrey did I had so many mixed feelings. In cases like these the main culprit got off easy and the innocents have to suffer the rest of their lives.