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This is amusing when I started I couldn't stop they are cute the latest two chapter of the...

Nana September 4, 2016 8:13 am

This is amusing when I started I couldn't stop they are cute the latest two chapter of the second volium were funny I lought so much omg.. when al of them standing in front of the door when Aki chan came back from Reu place was funny they are really not decency at all the made a scandal hhhhhhhhhhh I can't believe. Their brother comblex the love theire second brother so much I wish that iam Aki chan our thouts and feelings the same I felt like he resembeled me in a way or another that hert me and made me cry its like putting salt on my wond

But still unlike me he is changing but I'm not and I thing I won't change ether and will keep supporting me family.
But really me and the second son looks alike the deffrence is that I'm a girl and my family smaller than his so depressing. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Iwill just go and continu crying....
