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rheina September 5, 2016 3:14 am

Damn!! What's wrong with the ending??
They didn't solve anything..
I bet this manga originally for long Series but didn't enough popular so it has to drop...
I'm so curious about the Butler Family and why everyone fear him...
Damn damn!!!! Argh!!!!

    Densita February 3, 2017 8:04 am

    dude, your words are rude...
    ( ̄∇ ̄") that's harsh

    Densita February 3, 2017 8:04 am

    dude, your words are too rude...
    ( ̄∇ ̄") that's harsh

    Amita4ever February 14, 2017 8:46 am

    I think you are right. There are just so many strings left loose, especially around Issin... his family, why he's doing the butler thing, why he has a rep, why her mother hired him in spite of it, his real motive for being hired... too name a few.

    The number of hints laid left unresolved was total carelessness if the author planned to wrap it up this way, and wholly unfortunate if they were forced to end it early.