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Hello! I read chapter 19 of "under the green light" and your work was amazing. Could you p...

anti_fire July 6, 2021 5:41 pm

I read chapter 19 of "under the green light" and your work was amazing.
Could you please pick up "radio storm" as well?
The story is captivating but uploading team just doesn't continue to upload.It's been more than 1 month .We readers will appreciate your efforts

    Riza Chan July 9, 2021 9:14 am

    Sorry for the late reply. Thank you appreciating my teams effort. I'm just continuing what my teammate started. With regards with radio storm I think the previous team who uploaded the recent update was messaged by rose scan squad. It's a clear indication that they will continue to give us updates. Let's be patient for we all know they are a God level's scan . Have a nice day

    anti_fire July 9, 2021 8:37 pm
    Sorry for the late reply. Thank you appreciating my teams effort. I'm just continuing what my teammate started. With regards with radio storm I think the previous team who uploaded the recent update was message... Riza Chan

    I hope they do.Thank you for your answer.

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