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I don’t understand

Ryoto_mantoi July 6, 2021 11:30 pm

I get why Sooin fell for Chihwan, he is kind, handsome and literally saved him. I just don’t understand how Chihwan fell for Sooin... I don’t remember a single time Sooin did anything for Chihwan that would make me think “wow I’d fell for him this instant”. Everything happens really fast on this manga, just in a few episodes two seasons went by. I guess the author thinks that if two people live together for a long time and have sex they’ll fall in love -,- Chihwan literally fell in love for no reason.

    Ah-Juicy July 6, 2021 11:34 pm

    Hm, maybe this is something that requires personal experience to understand, but many times there is no "reason" for falling in love with someone. It's just that, you'll randomly be by their side one day and realize that being with them makes you happy.

    Ryoto_mantoi July 6, 2021 11:43 pm
    Hm, maybe this is something that requires personal experience to understand, but many times there is no "reason" for falling in love with someone. It's just that, you'll randomly be by their side one day and re... Ah-Juicy

    yeah I totally understand what you mean and I agree, but what you say is in real life. What I mean is that mangas,books have these special moments where people fall in love with each other and they realize it little by little. You can’t just go and write a story like “They lived together, had sex, and fall in love” I wanted to see what small things made Chihwan fell in love with Sooin. It could be the way he talks, the way he treats waiters, the way he likes animals I don’t know it could be a really stupid reason but I don’t remember seeing any. We can see why Sooin fell for Chihwan but we can’t see why Chihwan fell for Sooin.