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How about this though

vaderfunny July 7, 2021 1:55 am

She resolved her issues with her ex in front of him. He had the chance to see that “confrontation” when she went to the ex told him what’s what and informed her new Bf that they were all set. He got the closure. She on the other hand never saw him directly shut off his ex wife. She never got that closure or that direct confirmation that he’s done.

More often than not seeing your significant other talk to their ex doesn’t feel right. Not only did she see it, but she saw him being amicable with her plus she never saw him downright shut her out. He saw her shut her ex off and he’s still uncomfortable. Imagine how uncomfortable she would be seeing an ex-WIFE.

I just feel that this is a very realistic portrayal. If this issue were to happen again, then the comments about “insecurity” are valid. But if they learn to communicate from this, it’s a good experience and a good lesson for a healthy relationship.
