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um- July 7, 2021 5:19 am

I have to be honest, while I loved it I'm not satisfied with the ending. I honestly really wished he didn't live with his father anymore for many reasons, one being the amount of mental abuse his father inflicted in him was just unforgivable. I felt like he went back to his father, not because he truly knew his father was going to start doing better, more so he still had that piece in him where he's desperate for his validation, and so when his father needed his validation instead, he immediately went back satisfied with just one "im sorry" when it's not close to being enough it make up for what he did to him. Another thing I really wished was an ending where Kwon would've gotten him the help he needed, not just mentally but actually took care of him physically, and made him move in with him. Overall I really loved this, I just wished he got out of the toxic environments.
