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can't remember

woosan_99 July 7, 2021 7:41 am

So it was a BL where they're both in college and they share the same dorm. the seme put a camera in their dorm cause someone apparently stole something but when he looked at the camera footage he saw the uke being fcked by another guy. the uke sees him watchin that on his laptop so he broke the laptop. he then tries to bribe the seme to give him all the copies by sayin he will give him money since the seme's family needs financial help. anywho the bribin dont work out and the convo ends with the seme tellin the uke to meet at their dorm at 7pm. he ends up comin a lil late and seme tells him to get on his knees cause he donesnt like looking up at people. annddd i had to go at that time so idk anythin that happens afterwords but if someone knows this please tell mee.
seme is buff with spiky hair and uke has straight-ish black hair and those r the only things i can remember about their appearances
