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Long post bc that seems to be a trend in this comment section

xop July 7, 2021 10:02 am

Your worry about the 'problematic' ships is legit and real and I can understand why you might think it's a problem.
As someone who also had this thought back then but changed my mind over the years, I'd like to point out some things that helped me think more in a critical way.
Maybe after reading this, you can understand that not everything is black and white, meaning liking 'problematic' stuff ≠ a problematic person.

Back then it was common knowledge but nowadays it seems not, so I want to point out.
A HEALTHY brain can separate fiction from reality. No normal person with a normal functioning brain reads this and thinks 'yeah this is ok in real life'. I read this and just think 'yeah that was hot' and that's it. I make zero correlation with reality because there is just no need to bc this is just pixels and won't affect me in real life.
If this is affecting your reality then sorry, but there is probably already something wrong with you and you should take a step back and maybe seek help.

It's the same with violent video games. They actually can help your brain (porn does also btw) in many ways. Just google or research in you library bc there is enough research on this topic.
But if video games affect you negatively, then there is already something wrong with you, meaning you probably have NOT a normal functioning brain. Best examples are school shooters. They're the minority where the games affected them negatively. The majority has no problem differentiating game from reality.

To your groom minor point. Who says only pro-shippers (does NOT mean problematic, it's the pro like in pro-contra. Again, I thought that was common knowledge....) have the potential to groom kids?
Most pro-shippers put up content warnings, a way for you to avoid it. Meaning, they actually take their time to let you curate your experience. They make it very clear you CAN avoid them. I doubt a real predator would do that.
Furthermore, how many groomers have been exposed as antis. The most recent famous example is CreepShowArt. Just look it up. She was also vehemently against anything problematic but guess what, she owned CP of someone she stalked.
Not just her. How many people have been exposed where you thought that the person was nice. They find a way to surround themselves with minors without your knowledge. That's the entire point for them to stay undetected.
So, I would say if an adult surround themselves with many followers that are underage AND interacts with them a lot, I think that's more suspicious than someone reading pixel porn.

Here more twitter links if you like to read more on the topic of reality & fiction and pro-shipper and antis (being outed as predators) which I think explains in a great way:

If reading this still makes you think fiction = reality, then I can't say nothing more and hope you can curate your own experience without harrassing people and just accept that people can have different opinions. Otherwise it would be very hypocrite bc you want to protect people while attacking other???
