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translator's note

tdnfjsh July 7, 2021 1:38 pm

"this is yaoi not shounen ai (thank god ikr)"

    Legra July 8, 2021 4:47 pm
    No reason for you to reply to me then. Honestly it depends on the person because most people who use those outdated terms usually fetishize gay people. But have a good day hope you use the term BL in the future... Nezzukki

    I hope you have a good day too so you won’t go around telling people what to do. Whether we wanna use smut BL or yaoi or BL or shounen ai, it doesnt matter.

    Nezzukki July 8, 2021 4:49 pm
    I know there are gays who dont like yaoi cuz it doesnt portray the real lgbtq reality. If u soooo care about them complaining about fetishzation then u should not be reading BL. For plot? Pft yeah sure lmao. I�... Legra

    People like me lmao okay. Referring to yourself much?
    You’re literally whining like a little bitch who can’t accept the fact that yaoi and shounen ai are outdated terms and usually used by people who fetishize gay relationships. You use those outdated terms so much but can’t respect when GAY Japanese men literally tell people like you that those are outdated terms. Stop being an entitled bitch and just say BL instead of those terms. (:

    Nezzukki July 8, 2021 4:53 pm
    I know there are gays who dont like yaoi cuz it doesnt portray the real lgbtq reality. If u soooo care about them complaining about fetishzation then u should not be reading BL. For plot? Pft yeah sure lmao. I�... Legra

    Not sure if my reply got deleted so let me retype this.
    People like me okay whatever you say. It’s people like you who whine like a little bitch when they get corrected. GAY Japanese men have told everyone multiple times that no one use yaoi and shounen ai as they are outdated terms. Funny how you use those outdated terms but can’t respect GAY Japanese men who tell you that those terms are outdated and usually used by who fetishize gay relationships.

    Legra July 8, 2021 5:34 pm

    Dont try to gaslight me it wont work. Gay japanese men or gays in general are the same. Your POINT is why the gays dont like the terms because its outdated term and fetishization. In general BL (umbrella term) manga in japanese or kr or chn are created by fujoshi themselves who fetishizing gay relationships. If you feel so bothered then WHY ARE U HERE??? You only agreeing with the term but u still read a story made for fetishizing them??