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Still confused why Neveah is called "the shame of Solene". Is it because she dropped her e...

Masha July 7, 2021 6:09 pm

Still confused why Neveah is called "the shame of Solene". Is it because she dropped her engagement? She is daughter of former maid, who is now married to her father, and is a legitimate child. But her younger sister who is illegitimate, daughter of unknown mother probably a maid too, is NOT called "the shame of " despite her illigitimacy.

    Pilates July 7, 2021 6:13 pm

    Same tbh like you said it’s probably partly because her mother is a maid ( even though she is legitimate) probably because she was treated so badly and hated by her family so no one else treated her with respect? Idk

    SargonXoXo July 7, 2021 7:06 pm

    It’s mostly cuz she’s the daughter of a maid but it’s also because the nobility and even the emperor spoke rudely of her and even her ex-fiancé publicly refused to marry her by delaying the wedding for 10 years

    somnia July 7, 2021 7:08 pm

    I'm not sure where and when I read it but I think it was mentioned that her being looked down on by other nobles and regarded as shameful was because her father was open about his neglect/disapproval of her. Being the child of a maid played a part in that as well, but certain petty people (from maids to other nobles) will run their mouths when the only people that can forcefully retaliate against that kind of slander don't give a damn.

    Kitty_Min July 7, 2021 8:32 pm

    I think it's because she's the daughter of a maid and her father had to marry the maid because she went around telling rumors and so I her mother was pregnant even before marriage?

    sophtt July 7, 2021 11:06 pm
    I think it's because she's the daughter of a maid and her father had to marry the maid because she went around telling rumors and so I her mother was pregnant even before marriage? Kitty_Min

    this /

    Masha July 8, 2021 1:22 am
    this / sophtt

    Yes, but what about her sister who is not even legitimate. I understand that their father loves the girl more because Neveah reminds him of being forced to marry her mother, but why society is looking down on Neveah (daughter of maid but legitimate) and pretty chill with he sister (not even legitimate)

    sophtt July 8, 2021 1:47 am
    Yes, but what about her sister who is not even legitimate. I understand that their father loves the girl more because Neveah reminds him of being forced to marry her mother, but why society is looking down on N... Masha

    probably because of the bad reputation her mother had and because her herself was mistreated by the duke...he never showed her favor so people must have noticed