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Hi! Looking for the BL manga again! Pls help!

Laz July 7, 2021 7:49 pm

I kinda forgot most of the story but. I think the seme is the Lil step bro? Of the uke(they have a huge age gap I think) . Then while growing up the seme Lil step bro's obsessing with the uke big bro. Then the uke decided to move out with his family house and rent an apartment to get away from the seme but the seme's still followed him. And....... I forgot the rest. ╥﹏╥
Oh wait. I think the seme Lil step bro raped his uke big bro not sure though but I think this is one of the reasons why he moved out.

OH! And I remember when the seme Lil step bro was still like in his high school? Or mid school? He's helping his fem teacher with him holding the chair(or something that the fem teach can step on to reach high shit) then the fem teach was like seducing him then the seme Lil step bro be like "disgusting bitch".

But the Lil bro is obsessed with his big bro since he was a kid. That's for sure.
