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the physical trauma

hataki July 8, 2021 12:42 am

when it comes to his illness, lets not forget, it wasn't only emotional damage.

it was physical too.
kids freaking burned him and tortured him when he was young.

that kind of thing left him scared.

when felix tells him things like "How can you stand being misunderstood by everyone?".

then answer in gio's heart is probably, "As long as they aren't treating me with violence again, who cares".

some people said gio wasn't being honest in 131, but he was. He honestly told him, "It's an inconvenience for you, to deal with my condition". He was being honest. he knows this is the case. because if it wasn't, felix wouldn't harp on it so much.

    yakisoba July 8, 2021 12:44 am

    hi my comment is really useless but all i just wanted to say you typed this out so well