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That's Mei for you. He's still the most ideal ace on this series imo. I believe seeing Mei...

nekonekota September 8, 2016 2:36 am

That's Mei for you. He's still the most ideal ace on this series imo. I believe seeing Mei performing so well like that (even though he's still as childish as ever lol) will motivate Seido more (especially the pitchers). I can't wait for another Inajitsu vs Seido! before that, Seidou needs to improve because obviously, the Inajitsu now is overpowering Seido.

Mukai and Mei's banter is hilarious haha they are so childish! Next is Inajitsu vs Ichidai. I wonder if we will have to see their match or it will be focusing on Seido more for the next chapter.
