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Fangirling like Rika!!

haruxmitty September 8, 2016 11:29 am

I want to have gay friends now.waaaah!!!! rainbow kind of love

    raindragon September 9, 2016 6:56 am

    wake up. gay men are nothing like the men in yaoi. If you go charging after friendships with gay men, you're going to get dirt kicked in your face. Gay men like other gay men. They're mostly not interested in women-friends. The idea of "gay men make such good friends for women" is total bullshit. Life is nothing like "Sex in the City." If you're a woman and you need friends, go for friendships with other women, not men. Yaoi is not about gay men. It's not really about men, either. Enjoy yaoi fantasy men in your imagination where they belong.

    haruxmitty September 9, 2016 7:55 am

    Well, in my country, it is common for women to have gay friends and vice versa. I actually have a few gay friends but they don't have lovers.. so I am hoping they will have partners someday... ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Fanelle September 9, 2016 9:03 am
    wake up. gay men are nothing like the men in yaoi. If you go charging after friendships with gay men, you're going to get dirt kicked in your face. Gay men like other gay men. They're mostly not interested ... raindragon

    Weeeell I don't know why women couldn't have friendships with gay men or men at all... ? I think it's a little stupid, maybe prejudiced, to look especially for gay men as friends, but if it happens I don't see what's wrong with it. The type of gay men who enjoys and seeks being surrounded by women exists, the type of gay men who is mostly surrounded by male friends exists too, and even more amazing, gay men who hang out with BOTH sexes exist as well !!
    Just live and let live right ? :)

    haruxmitty September 9, 2016 11:15 am
    wake up. gay men are nothing like the men in yaoi. If you go charging after friendships with gay men, you're going to get dirt kicked in your face. Gay men like other gay men. They're mostly not interested ... raindragon

    Well, in my country, it is common for women to have gay friends and vice versa. I actually have a few gay friends but they don't have lovers.. so I am hoping they will have partners someday... ヾ(☆▽☆)

    美智子 September 9, 2016 11:31 am
    Weeeell I don't know why women couldn't have friendships with gay men or men at all... ? I think it's a little stupid, maybe prejudiced, to look especially for gay men as friends, but if it happens I don't see ... Fanelle

    i think so too
    yaoi is full of fantasy? yes. but it doesn't mean that it is all wrong
    like friendship
    there's a lot of yaois where a gay man don't like girls and/or can't be friends with one or that is misogynist
    and there's a lot of yaois where a gay man have lots of girl friends
    in real life is like this too, i guess

    raindragon September 10, 2016 12:04 am
    Well, in my country, it is common for women to have gay friends and vice versa. I actually have a few gay friends but they don't have lovers.. so I am hoping they will have partners someday... ヾ(☆▽☆) haruxmitty

    you sound young. How could you possibly know what is happening on the gay scene in every city, every village, every square inch of your country to say it's common practice to have gay friends? I could make the same claim about the USA, but it would be a meaningless generalization. Yaoi has almost nothing to do with women being friends with gay men.

    raindragon September 10, 2016 12:25 am
    Well, in my country, it is common for women to have gay friends and vice versa. I actually have a few gay friends but they don't have lovers.. so I am hoping they will have partners someday... ヾ(☆▽☆) haruxmitty

    Look, my point is that you're as likely to meet Mr. Spock out there in real life as you are to meet a gay man who is anything like the men in yaoi. They're characters in stories mostly authored by women for women. If you don't like what I'm saying, I don't blame you, but if you read this and are maybe a tiny bit more cautious, if it spares you even one second of hurt feelings in situations and friendships that you shouldn't necessarily count on, then I'll be happy.

    raindragon September 10, 2016 12:27 am
    Weeeell I don't know why women couldn't have friendships with gay men or men at all... ? I think it's a little stupid, maybe prejudiced, to look especially for gay men as friends, but if it happens I don't see ... Fanelle

    I don't think you really read what I said.

    raindragon September 10, 2016 12:33 am
    Weeeell I don't know why women couldn't have friendships with gay men or men at all... ? I think it's a little stupid, maybe prejudiced, to look especially for gay men as friends, but if it happens I don't see ... Fanelle

    You're putting words in my mouth. I said nothing about right and wrong.

    haruxmitty September 10, 2016 2:19 am
    you sound young. How could you possibly know what is happening on the gay scene in every city, every village, every square inch of your country to say it's common practice to have gay friends? I could make th... raindragon

    I do respect your opion about it. but in my statement, the title was "fangirling like Rika" so I am using Rika's point of view. I know the reality is far more chaotic than in manga. Yes, I am aware. and this is not just about yaoi, this about friendship, too. You see, I liked Rika's point of view, it is when she wasn't grossed out of the situation. That's why I wrote about it. Thank you very much I'll surely reflect on your point of view as well. (●'◡'●)ノ

    HaJime September 10, 2016 6:38 am
    wake up. gay men are nothing like the men in yaoi. If you go charging after friendships with gay men, you're going to get dirt kicked in your face. Gay men like other gay men. They're mostly not interested ... raindragon

    This isn't true. I've had lots of gay friends. It's awesome. There's zero competing about who's thinner or has better hair, like is so often the case with female friends, but unlike (some) straight guy friends, they don't secretly want to sleep with me.
    I've had several awesome friendships end because a guy I thought was one of my best friends suddenly confessed that he had been in love with me for years. I've also had the reverse happen. I'll start to develop feelings for a guy friend who isn't interested in me.
    That doesn't happen with gay guy friends.
    It's the most comfortable kind of friendship two people can have because there is zero sexual tension.
    To say that gay men only like other gay men for friends is invalidating the entire concept of platonic friendship.

    But you are 100% right about yaoi. It has nothing to do with real gay men, gay sex, or gay relationships.
    This girl would do better to choose her friends based on their interests and personalities, not their sexual preferences.

    raindragon September 10, 2016 3:32 pm
    This isn't true. I've had lots of gay friends. It's awesome. There's zero competing about who's thinner or has better hair, like is so often the case with female friends, but unlike (some) straight guy friends,... HaJime

    I wasn't speaking to everyone, and I didn't mean to provide a platform for everyone to "put me in my place" or conclude that I'm a villain who is somehow against gay people. The person I was talking to sounded like she wanted to be like a character in the story and plunge into "rainbow love." Since then it sounds to me like she has a more level head than my original impression. In the story, the Rikka character, surrounded by hearts, stood with clasped hands in wide-eyed ecstatic observation of two gay men's interactions with each other. I don't care for this characterization of yaoi fans like myself who enjoy yaoi but have no interest in idolizing gay men in real life. I have nothing against the gay community, I simply don't have their personal experiences or their pain. For me, the characters in yaoi provide me with entertainment and a pleasant relief from real people, not the other way around. Thanks, though, your post was interesting, and I don't perceive you as vilifying me. This post was a general response to all the responses to my post.

    haruxmitty September 11, 2016 2:38 am
    I wasn't speaking to everyone, and I didn't mean to provide a platform for everyone to "put me in my place" or conclude that I'm a villain who is somehow against gay people. The person I was talking to sounded... raindragon

    Thank you for taking your time answering this. I don't see you as a villain. I actually enjoyed reading your messages. just like other readers, we do know the boundaries of yaoi and real-life gay scenarios. it's just that, this forum page, helps me see the character's perspective though usually it's clouded by my undying emotions about their love. . . that's why I was really using Rika's viewpoint. well, then, I should be more precise next time whenever I write something. I learned something. thank you. (▰˘◡˘▰)

    raindragon September 11, 2016 4:46 am
    Thank you for taking your time answering this. I don't see you as a villain. I actually enjoyed reading your messages. just like other readers, we do know the boundaries of yaoi and real-life gay scenarios. it'... haruxmitty

    this discussion of ours could have really flared out of control, ya know? But thanks to my fellow yaoi-rikka-fangirls being nice and civil to one another, it didn't. I learned something, too. Also, the story that started this discussion surprised me with how interesting and hot it was, you too? I especially liked the perverted listening through the walls thing. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    haruxmitty September 11, 2016 5:46 am
    this discussion of ours could have really flared out of control, ya know? But thanks to my fellow yaoi-rikka-fangirls being nice and civil to one another, it didn't. I learned something, too. Also, the story... raindragon

    yeah definitely! hahaha it's fun to share ideas and I really enjoyed the "perverted listening" scene of rika. kyaaah! ヾ(☆▽☆) cheers to more fangirling days! may the mangaka bestow us more manga to drool over!yey! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Anonymous October 2, 2016 3:39 pm
    wake up. gay men are nothing like the men in yaoi. If you go charging after friendships with gay men, you're going to get dirt kicked in your face. Gay men like other gay men. They're mostly not interested ... raindragon

    You are sooooo biased and prejudged! Gay man are normal people! They have friends like anyone else! Myself, I have some gay dudes as friends and they have no problems with befriending girls. Ofcourse there are gay people with problems toward women, but please dont generalise!

    MissMitzi October 2, 2016 11:40 pm

    Can't we all just hold hands and sing Kumbaya by the campfire?

    それ薔薇カントー October 3, 2016 3:17 am
    Can't we all just hold hands and sing Kumbaya by the campfire? MissMitzi


    raindragon October 3, 2016 3:44 am
    You are sooooo biased and prejudged! Gay man are normal people! They have friends like anyone else! Myself, I have some gay dudes as friends and they have no problems with befriending girls. Ofcourse there are ... @Anonymous

    This topic was finished and happily concluded weeks ago, obviously. Now you're here, making serious, extreme accusations against someone you don't even know. You saying "some of my best friends are gay people" has a tone I really don't like, and also, no one here ever questioned whether or not gay men are normal people. What you've done is found yourself a bone to chew on, something you can sink your teeth into while feeling all self-righteous. I can't stand people who think they're doing the whole world a favor by vilifying someone.

    nymphpaws October 3, 2016 9:20 pm
    Can't we all just hold hands and sing Kumbaya by the campfire? MissMitzi

    lol i agree everyone needs to eat a snickers bar