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sorry little rant and its about me (btw im 18 :3 )

melon T-T July 8, 2021 9:04 am

people who gave this a low rating prolly want to ignore the fact that this is reality...i genuinely think that this manga is a good representation of assimilation from beauty standards... speaking from experience, i grew up having everyone tell me that i was fat... especially my mom, since 3rd grade she always criticized me telling me that no one would love me if im fat and that ill never get a husband... and that gave me depression... and an ongoing cycle of starving myself, then gaining more weight... and looking back at everything, i wasnt fat. I was 150 lbs in my freshman year of hs, i was even in sports, but i think that knowing that the people close to me think im fat, so i binged ate. yk "they already think so" ... i have seasonal depression., ive never talked abt it with anyone, cause i feel like they would think im being overdramatic... but eds are serious, its so hard to escape from.. having a healthy relationship with food is so hard, when i eat people tell me not to, when i dont, they get mad at me for not... im too self concise about my eating habits... its like what the fuck do you want me to do, either way youll be unhappy... i dont think ill ever have a good relationship with food. anyways, i think this manga is a great representation eds.
