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I actually started tearing up when Melissa affirmed that Yuri is Yuri and she isn't an obj...

kyunkyun July 8, 2021 8:54 pm

I actually started tearing up when Melissa affirmed that Yuri is Yuri and she isn't an object that Peacock can use just to project his own trauma or whatever.

Peacock's actions of monopolizing Yuri and having her caged as his possession is absolutely in no way justified. No matter how hard he had it, his past does not speak for his actions. Melissa made sure that he pays for his crimes in a just way, she didn't personally deliver his punishment but chose to prosecute him using the law and I really appreciate that.

Somehow I feel that by doing so it actually gives people in real a chance, that they too can break free of such toxic relationships. I feel really bad for Yuri. I can't imagine how rough she must have had it, for her entire existence to just amount to acting as a therapist/collectable instead of her own being.

Honestly Beware of the Villainess really has to one of the best-isekaied villainess manhwas out there. At first, I started it for the comedy and the gag but now it has become much more than that to me. The way they portrayed that the villainesses are just normal human beings with emotions, that one does not have the right to decide whether a person is to be protected or not and that every human being has a life of their own.

I really do love this manhwa with my whole heart ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
