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Marauder July 8, 2021 5:35 pm

It's just okay. Mainly because the rapist bitch had absolutely no repercussions for her actions. What, is it not a big deal because a woman raped a man? The author just didn't want to address it? 'Cause they sure as hell showed it. I can't get past it. It took it from awesome to meh. I won't re-read.

    Yeezy101 July 18, 2021 10:51 am

    I think it's just because it's fiction and BL genre. Gender doesn't have much to do with it. Look at BJ Alex and Yours to Claim - the male rapists there don't face any repercussions either. It's not an issue of gender and "women having it easier". (Also, the whole reason why movements like metoo got popular in the first place was because male rapists were getting away scot free. )Both genders of rapists can escape repercussions.