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I’m so confused about the order of these stories

Spartan4282 July 9, 2021 2:37 am

I’m so confused about the order of these stories

    Ashie_4life July 9, 2021 4:42 pm

    1. Doulou Dalu
    2. Combat Continent II
    3. Doulou Dalu 3
    4. Soul Land IV
    That's the order it should be read, cus I think they can help explain events that happen in this story.

    Spartan4282 July 9, 2021 10:42 pm
    1. Doulou Dalu2. Combat Continent II3. Doulou Dalu 34. Soul Land IVThat's the order it should be read, cus I think they can help explain events that happen in this story. Ashie_4life

    Thanks chief

    Kuoko_ May 25, 2024 2:48 pm

    It'd be
    1) Douluo Dalu
    2) Douluo Dalu 2 - combat_continent
    3) Soul Land - Legend of The Gods' Realm (Side Story)
    4) Douluo Dalu 3 - The Legend of the Dragon King
    5) Soul Land - the ultimate combat (Douluo Dalu 4)
    6) Douluo Dalu 5 (or Soul Land 5)