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feels a but rushed but ok

ymagor July 9, 2021 3:01 am


legit shit feels rushed af ever since that flashback of hwan's ex-lover being the reason why people were killed. what's more, there was no rising action to sooin's ex-abuser manipulating him into thinking that he was a friendly buddy guard. the conclusion with turning hwan into a link is a bit off too. the power dynamics basically tipped, sure, but it's still the same relationship dynamics. they're just projecting on each other ajsnsdajsdasjk

im super curious to how the author would've played this out more if they wrote a few more chapters. i would personally love to see the following:

- sooin's family life and how he ended up being a part-timers
- how did sooin's abuser and his gf's relationship pan out when he turned into a vampire (that dude was SOCIAL AF. he had ppl all around him, and then suddenly he just dropped out of the picture and we don't see anyone trying to find him???)
- more into hwan eating vampires' hearts and the lore behind vampires
- how hwan and his ex-lover lived out their lives between the current events and the past

3.5/5, good art, plot holes
