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Being a survivor and victim by a close family member. I don't think the author is correct ...

Viv007 September 10, 2016 8:24 pm

Being a survivor and victim by a close family member. I don't think the author is correct penning out this story. This sort of story is exploitative .

    Sebastian *-* September 11, 2016 2:36 pm

    Completely agree. But in Japan there are many authors like this one who exploit such situations and try to make them "erotic",japan should ban them. This isn't art or anything, it's an erotic manga where the child is used as a sexual tool. I bet many pedos like seeing a child saying "I enjoyed it soo much" disgusting .

    Viv007 September 11, 2016 3:14 pm

    Sebastian ,I am glad that you have the sensitivity to understand my comment. I am hoping the author is aware of this . This content is too much for reading. i am dumbfounded as to why such a talented author feels the need to exploit child sex . Yes i read BL stories but within boundaries of taste. Sex between adults and consensual is fine . I have no issues with cheating sex, break up sex , make up sex or promiscuous sex. But i draw a line where it is forceful sex / rape and shotacon. Sometimes unintentionally in name of art and creativity authors end up be firing up perversity. Let us for a moment think about victims of underage sex , i am sure for most it will only deepen their scars that they are trying very hard to heal. These are very sensitive subjects which should not be dealt for entertainment purpose.