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Idk___lmao July 9, 2021 9:13 am

I can't believe that kid wanted to fuck his uncle I can't stop thinking about it

    bearings July 10, 2021 11:23 pm

    bro who? finn? Finn wasn't in love with Talim, he just didn't want him to feel the pain Ran felt when his partner died I don't think there were any blood relation love in these stories, but they were used as plot devices to incite jealousy

    Idk___lmao July 11, 2021 3:27 am
    bro who? finn? Finn wasn't in love with Talim, he just didn't want him to feel the pain Ran felt when his partner died I don't think there were any blood relation love in these stories, but they were used as p... bearings

    Ik I'm just saying that it's his uncle and saying he 'wanted to fuck him' is kinda a figure of speech of just saying he's in love wand whatnot I just think it's kinda weird but it's what ever lol