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My feelsss...

AmySuju September 12, 2016 8:45 am

I really hope he ended up with No 2 aka Tomoya but it's his own fault for not confessing and Taisei is hot as hell and he had been taking care of him as much as Tomoya, it just tha plus sex.

    Anonymous September 15, 2016 7:09 pm

    Yeah I liked Tomoya. But I guess uke really did fall in love with the rich hot doc. Why uke had sex with Tomoya?-Bc that's what Tomoya wanted n uke is a slut that just wants the d yeah.

    reirei December 29, 2016 8:29 pm
    Yeah I liked Tomoya. But I guess uke really did fall in love with the rich hot doc. Why uke had sex with Tomoya?-Bc that's what Tomoya wanted n uke is a slut that just wants the d yeah. @Anonymous

    comrades where have thy been?!
    if someone who sleeps around isn't called a slut. then i wonder what is. and please don't start at me like i don't have anyright to judge how other people sleeps around. i had enough of that shit.

    sorry for venting out on your post.