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this feels a little racist

susan0n July 9, 2021 10:23 pm

nah cuz why it always gotta be the arabs who are the bad guys, like in every fucking action/fantasy comic i read we arabs gotta be evil…. like wouldn’t america be much more realistic? we terrorists arent fucking power hungry bro like leave us alone stop making us villians, but its fiction lol so idc that much its just a little bothering

    CasualPeruser July 10, 2021 5:17 am

    Good points. I don't think I'd make the argument that terrorists aren't power hungry... But I could certainly see the US (or a company that works for the US) prioritizing profits and discovering over human lives. When has a company ever exploited the lives of the employees and customers... How much more willing would they be to justify taking the lives of fighters. I think this comic does a lot of things well. They definitely played into the stereotype that Muslim majority countries are not to be trusted, and are morally corrupt. Which is probably less true than the US. But the plot is interesting I love how fleshed out the female characters are, and it still has room for comedic moments (like the chicken, or the tamers hair, or Hwan's antics, and training methodology). And then side characters are actually useful, not just a foil to show how strong the mc is.

    CasualPeruser July 10, 2021 5:17 am

    Good points. I don't think I'd make the argument that terrorists aren't power hungry... But I could certainly see the US (or a company that works for the US) prioritizing profits and discovering over human lives. When has a company ever exploited the lives of the employees and customers... How much more willing would they be to justify taking the lives of fighters. I think this comic does a lot of things well. They definitely played into the stereotype that Muslim majority countries are not to be trusted, and are morally corrupt. Which is probably less true than the US. But the plot is interesting I love how fleshed out the female characters are, and it still has room for comedic moments (like the chicken, or the tamers hair, or kwangi's antics, and training methodology). And then side characters are actually useful, not just a foil to show how strong the mc is.

    susan0n July 10, 2021 8:16 am

    OH YEA 100% !! this story is really well made and all charecters are super fleshed out, even the brother (?) who escaped the prison yet even if hes evil wont use the drug! i think the muslim thing just bothered me cuz they always make us look like kufaar (people who were against islam at the very start) even though we are just as advanced as every side of the world like we also have suits and modern clothes why do we look homeless ill keep reading and i’m loving the plot, just wanted to vent a little