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can't relate but still liked it

marry September 12, 2016 8:41 pm

It was an enjoyable but I really could not relate to any of these characters. I could understand self blame and guilt from an emotional level but it seems that none of them actually thought about the events that occurred from a rational and reasonable level. what rational person will think "because i told her to get rid of it she had a miscarriage within minutes"- there are lots of factors that may led to miscarriage but word aren't one of them

    Anonymous September 20, 2016 5:00 am

    he was feeling like that is what happend more of lie blaming himself and she was probably under a lot of stress not to mention she was probably a part of the gang as well that is most likely what caused the miscarriage kinda like if the weather is rainy and cloudy and you are in a bad mood you feel lie its because you are in a bad mood but you can not control the weather