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this story has NON Consensual RAPE- there should be a warning- and then the author doesn'...

WARNING- non consensual rape/blackmail January 11, 2013 12:42 am

this story has NON Consensual RAPE-

there should be a warning- and then the author doesn't even punish the teacher/rapist at the end- actually treats it like a joke- 2 of the abused students wondering if the rape/blackmail pics are gonna come back to haunt them- and 1 of them says the rape pics came out good---RAPE IS NOT A JOKE- if you end something horrible like this so lightly-= you give the power back to the students and the students pay the teacher back by making the teacher the victim/bitch.

mostly wonderful book with great characters and art- though their is no harem in this supposedly harem story- so other than the rape and misleading title- it was good- just believe readers should be warned more specifically than just a mature rating

    Thryxie January 20, 2013 8:46 am

    Absolutely agree with yah!! RAPE is a very bad thing!! So is blackmail sex!! Unfortunately, this is the trend of most.. Not all.. Yaoi manga!! In all fairness they should at least put up a warning!!

    Er......... January 26, 2013 3:10 am

    I agree with your statement on rape and your want to share fair warning to readers who would like to avoid stories with rape/abuse content; but just confused at your choice of words "NON Consensual RAPE" seeing as rape is never consensual >_>"

    PervertSoldier September 23, 2013 6:11 pm


    Mameiha June 30, 2015 9:35 am
    I agree with your statement on rape and your want to share fair warning to readers who would like to avoid stories with rape/abuse content; but just confused at your choice of words "NON Consensual RAPE" seeing... @Er.........

    Depending on terminology and semantics, "rape"( the violent act of forcing sexual intercourse onto another) and "rape play" (the BDSM fetish of using only "necessary" force to re-enact or "play out" the act of "rape" with a willing partner) can be misconstrued and confused. So, no, some types of "rape" are consensual.
    In 8 out of 10 yaoi, "rape play", as a fetish, is depicted. You all DO REALIZE YAOI IS PORN, RIGHT? Filled to the brim with fetishes - uniforms, cosplay, smoking, yakuza men, baseball, martial arts, glasses, "toys", fashion, food, models, students, salary men...ALL fetishes. Why is "rape play" the only fetish to be griped about? Because westerners have a different view of it than other cultures or BDSM enthusiasts do. "ONE MAN'S "FREAK" IS ANOTHER MAN'S FETISH." So, please don't disrespect my fetish, by calling it disgusting, and I won't do it to yours.

    Since yaoi is porn, if you are going to put warnings up for "rape", then warnings for all the other fetishes in yaoi should be posted as well. Wait, they do that, by making yaoi 18 and over ONLY. If you are not mature enough (not just 18+) to handle the concepts, may I suggest some shoujo or shounen ai. If you can't handle that "rape" is a fetish for some people (whether you like it is no matter), then don't read porn - I mean yaoi.