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Sai July 10, 2021 4:29 pm

Man I cant get over how bad the femdom relationship was in this story like I was about to drop it because of it, I personally really liked okjae’s personality and character throughout most of the story, I thought she was really cool until she got with aerum, like I get that he was a little shit but he literally was trying to change for her and become a better person so she could give him a chance but like if she didn’t like his personality still, girl leave him the fuck alone stop leading him on, because obviously he wanted a relationship while okjae just wanted him as a sex buddy, I mean at the end she’s starting to like him more I guess?? But her heart doesn’t really seem in it for him, and she also pressured him into a lot of stuff I feel like and it was just toxic, the other relationships though 10/10

    Ojou sama July 11, 2021 2:46 am

    Tbh i don't really think the femdom was bad or toxic (cause that's such a heavy word) but areum and okjae's relationship as a whole was just unconventional. I liked how it was more flawed compared to the others bcs it was clear they need to work on it more together.

    Caviar July 11, 2021 6:34 pm
    Tbh i don't really think the femdom was bad or toxic (cause that's such a heavy word) but areum and okjae's relationship as a whole was just unconventional. I liked how it was more flawed compared to the others... Ojou sama

    I agree! I liked that they didn’t only portray perfect and healthy relationships because that’s not how real life works. I also liked that they left it a little open ended as well because they wouldn’t just be perfect bu the end of the story, they’re young and have a long life ahead of them