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Tell me if I am reading between the line too much.

riariku September 14, 2016 5:13 pm

I CAN'T BELIEVE of ALL PEOPLE, MIYUKI YOUUUUU .. i don't know what to say,

this chapter told me exactly what was on Miyuki head till now, he's never see Sawamura "shouldering the ace number", he just see him as an interesting pitcher. and a rival to make Furuya evolves..

now that i know the main catcher (re: Miyuki) not yet to acknowledge Sawamura actually can be the ace till this day, I am not really hoping they could be the main battery on this summer, I dangerously began to think that it will be okay to let Furuya take the mound this summer as the ace with Miyuki ( it's doesn't make me happy though), and then give Sawamura-Okumura's battery the next season..

P.S, I AM UPSET, kind of.. ╥﹏╥
