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What a joke.

LatteGratte July 10, 2021 5:15 pm

It looks like some y’all are forgetting that the female lead literally laughed in his face when he proposed to her. And oh my gosh this chap was really annoying, I really fucking hope the female lead doesn’t immediately jump to conclusions like “that’s his girlfriend!” When he has shown signs he loves her… And although I don’t like Haruka putting distance between them, I hope this is an opportunity for the female lead to realize her feelings rather than take him as a joke each time he makes a move. Because to be honest, it seems like Haruka was putting in more effort to develop their relationship romantically. She just keeps him in the “childhood friend” zone… As if it’s some rule not to date him. And besides. This whole “distance” thing often happens with female leads doing it in shoujo manga. But it’s the male lead this time, so I don’t think it’s a big deal? Also, the second male lead. To be honest, he’s nice. But I don’t like him as much as I do Haruka. I even found myself skipping over the pages because I didn’t even want to bother with him… he doesn’t have much presence.

    Sillykitty21 July 11, 2021 9:45 am

    It like Adrian all over again

    “She just a friend” I mean seriously dude WTF ヽ(`Д´)ノ