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Not really understanding the cheating comments. The only cheating going on here is of the ...

Starscreamhoe September 14, 2016 11:30 pm

Not really understanding the cheating comments. The only cheating going on here is of the heart. Neither of them are in relationships with their prospective love interests, so a casual fwb relationship isn't hurting anyone but the people doing the fucking. It'll only get messy once Tsubaki and Hodzumi find out about them casually screwing, and then shit will definitely go down. But even then, they wouldn't have a right to be mad or catch attitude, since everyone involved is single. it'd be a different scenario entirely if feelings and relationships had been established before the sex went down, but that simply isn't the case here.
tdlr: Get that Dack, Kamui!

    mrl98 September 15, 2016 10:34 am

    Why didn't he tell his other sex friend ( the guy he's in love with) he was having sex with another guy? If it's not cheating should be ok to let him know?At least to take precaution(STDs, find another sex friend as well, etc.. whatever his choices are) that's at least is lying and that's quiet awful and he deserve to be called a cheater for not being honest.

    Starscreamhoe September 15, 2016 2:34 pm
    Why didn't he tell his other sex friend ( the guy he's in love with) he was having sex with another guy? If it's not cheating should be ok to let him know?At least to take precaution(STDs, find another sex fri... mrl98

    I have a feeling it's going to come out anyway and yes, it is messy that he's telling Taka one thing and doing another, but at the end of the day he is not obligated to tell or mention his sexual endeavors with people he is not in a relationship with. He is not in a committed relationship with anyone! Taka let that be known, therefore he does not him anything.

    Starscreamhoe September 15, 2016 2:34 pm
    Why didn't he tell his other sex friend ( the guy he's in love with) he was having sex with another guy? If it's not cheating should be ok to let him know?At least to take precaution(STDs, find another sex fri... mrl98


    mrl98 September 15, 2016 3:20 pm
    I have a feeling it's going to come out anyway and yes, it is messy that he's telling Taka one thing and doing another, but at the end of the day he is not obligated to tell or mention his sexual endeavors with... Starscreamhoe

    The least one can do is to let the people he's sleeping with that he's also sleeping with other people, that's ABC common sense even if you're not a relation unless you're paying aka prostitution, only those you don't have to tell your other sexual act

    mrl98 September 15, 2016 3:24 pm

    Sex friends doesn't mean one is a prostitute can sleep around, they're friends in the first place who should share important things in common and what they have in common is baseball and sex. Everything regarding those 2 should be known. He's a cheater and dishonest and with his sexual activities exposing his so called sex friends to danger and messy situations. I know it's manga and even if it's out things wont be handled seriously... That's why people with logic and common sense should name things the way they are :D this is cheating and unfair "D

    Starscreamhoe September 15, 2016 7:33 pm
    The least one can do is to let the people he's sleeping with that he's also sleeping with other people, that's ABC common sense even if you're not a relation unless you're paying aka prostitution, only those yo... mrl98

    This doesn't even make any fucking sense. Have you seen any monetary transactions take place at all during any of the sex scenes in this manga? NO? Then the word prostitution should not in any way or form wriggle itself into this conversation.

    mrl98 September 15, 2016 7:59 pm
    This doesn't even make any fucking sense. Have you seen any monetary transactions take place at all during any of the sex scenes in this manga? NO? Then the word prostitution should not in any way or form wrigg... Starscreamhoe

    You kinda skipped my previous comment, I was giving example whoever he sleeps with should know of sexual activities to take precaution. Even if they're not lovers it's a must. What if you're sleeping with someone he hate or it grosses him out? He should at least have to know. Then I gave example of someone who doesn't have to / not interested in knowing who is he sleeping with someone he pays like a prostitute he buys with money but he's his sex friend so a friend for the least someone whose opinion matters in this case. Hope I explained myself clearer. it was an example not related to this manga.

    Anonymous September 15, 2016 8:49 pm

    if you are a sex friend with someone you are just that. it's a relationship without commitment. who are you sleeping with besides your sex friend is only your business. that's why you are in that kind of relationship. that's common sense. unless you both agree to tell each other that stuff, and that's different situation.
    but when it comes to safe sex and stds it's everyone's responsibility.

    hataki September 19, 2016 7:46 pm

    okay, people, a sex friend is exactly that. a friend you have sex with. it is NOT a commitment, it is NOT a relationship, and they have NO obligation to tell them what they do with other people. therefore, it was NOT cheating. be it manga, or reality, this is the same. both them were free to fuck each other and it was no ones god damn business, the others have ZERO right to know that, unless they decide they want to.

    VolcanoFan1 September 19, 2016 11:47 pm

    Hodzumi identifies as straight, so I can't see him getting that upset. Although I can see how he could find fault with the principle involved. That said, I'm looking forward to how this unfolds, yaoi logic & all. ;) (⊙…⊙ )

    Ivis September 20, 2016 4:03 am
    okay, people, a sex friend is exactly that. a friend you have sex with. it is NOT a commitment, it is NOT a relationship, and they have NO obligation to tell them what they do with other people. therefore, it w... @hataki

    They do have an obligation to tell them because if they end up catching something, they can end up passing it to them. Especially since he has unprotected sex.

    LoveBunny September 21, 2016 2:34 am
    I have a feeling it's going to come out anyway and yes, it is messy that he's telling Taka one thing and doing another, but at the end of the day he is not obligated to tell or mention his sexual endeavors with... Starscreamhoe
