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I always wonder about the legality of stories like this

Mece July 11, 2021 3:43 am

Like...what would happen if the authories were called? Would the loan shark even get in trouble?

    todoroki kuns burned skin July 11, 2021 5:06 am

    I wanna know too

    anonienonie July 12, 2021 2:16 pm

    I can only speak from a friend's experience-- when he got beat up by loansharks and rang the police they told him it was a civil matter and that they couldn't do anything. They pointed out that my friend borrowed from a sarakin, so it was all legal and that he should be responsible since he knew what he signed up for. It was a goddamn mess, but me and other foreign co-workers helped him out of it. This happened way back in 2012 though, so not sure if Japan's police stance has changed. More to answer your question though: if they're not yamikin, the police probably wouldn't do anything.

    Mece July 12, 2021 3:11 pm
    I can only speak from a friend's experience-- when he got beat up by loansharks and rang the police they told him it was a civil matter and that they couldn't do anything. They pointed out that my friend borrow... anonienonie

    Eww... I'm glad you saved your friend tho!