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Lol and all of you said it had to do with He Tian smh. Do you guys understand now? Some ma...

Ren July 11, 2021 5:10 am

Lol and all of you said it had to do with He Tian smh. Do you guys understand now? Some may not realize what Mo Guan Shan kind of character he is: he's a very independent boy and at the most part stubborn and he doesn't know how to convey his feelings. Think about it like this his mom is working and not making much money and his dad is in prison and he's about to lose his only job that he cant afford to lose right now. Some of you may say 'he can just ask He Tian' or 'he doesn't have to push He Tian away' it's not that simple take what I said about Mo Guan Shan character into consideration and what he's been through with that grey haired guy, he's just protecting himself and his heart and I don't blame him it takes alot of courage to step out those boundaries that you set for yourself. God that's why I love Mo Guan Shan character he's something different and unique about him that makes him shine from the rest. I'm pretty sure He Tian and Mo Guan Shan will have their moment just give them some time :))

    maomao July 11, 2021 5:17 am

    i agree

    megumi-chan July 11, 2021 5:17 am

    it has to do with he tian tho, he is upset because 1. he lost a job 2. he probably lost a friend as well. it has been shown in prev chaps he genuinely cares for he tian altho he doesnt show it.

    Yoyo July 11, 2021 5:19 am

    I second all of it and amen

    Ren July 11, 2021 6:48 am
    it has to do with he tian tho, he is upset because 1. he lost a job 2. he probably lost a friend as well. it has been shown in prev chaps he genuinely cares for he tian altho he doesnt show it. megumi-chan

    I'm aware of that but I just don't think He Tian wouldn't be the first thing on his Mo Guan Shan mind you know? You just gotta analyze the chapters lol

    yuki July 11, 2021 7:09 am

    Me too.....little mo 's character is something'slike....yeah you know

    megumi-chan July 11, 2021 7:13 am
    I'm aware of that but I just don't think He Tian wouldn't be the first thing on his Mo Guan Shan mind you know? You just gotta analyze the chapters lol Ren

    we are all very aware what kind of situation mo is facing and ofc his main concern is his own life and helping his family way i mean it like mo is a little helpless boy who needs a person like he tian to rely on..but you made it sound like he tian means nothing to mo and the quarrel they had today had nothing to do with how shitty he felt when he returned home...sometimes we take out anger on others when it has nothing to do with them and feel horrible afterwards.. he is feeling broken and scared bcs of his future as well as how unnecessarily he fought with a person he cares about. it's not easy for him to share his burden since nobody stands in his position and he doesnt want to bother anybody abt his life problems either. both of these situations were unwanted and portrayed a realistic pic of how mo's frustration were starting to affect his friendships and will direct what would happen to the 4 friends in the next chapters.