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I don't mind if the plot started with rape... I've seen sicker yaoi beginnings than this. ...

Ching January 11, 2013 12:42 pm

I don't mind if the plot started with rape... I've seen sicker yaoi beginnings than this. But it's my personal fetish so I don't mind, as long as the ending fixes the relationship for I don't like a story that leaves the readers a message that the seme fucks the uke unwillingly every fucking chapter therefore they're happily ever after. -___-

I thought the ending was clumsy. Left too many unresolved problems. The seme could have apologized and let him redeem himself and make it clear that the uke is not his father's love replacement or something, or I don't know, something that could have made their relationship legit and worth refusing an offer from a richer but equally hot man who will give the uke a rape-free life. Meh.

    Seira June 8, 2013 7:21 pm

    I completely agree! couldn't have summed up my feelings for this particular story any better! I also felt that there were moments in the story that if focused upon could have brought deeper meaning to the whole story. But it just ended really vaguely and created more questions than it really answered. -___- wish it were longer so the development would lead to the seme actually showing his feelings for the uke >.<

    Anonymous May 4, 2014 1:49 am

    totally agreeee