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such a good read & an unexpected fave <3

ZOYA July 11, 2021 2:47 pm

i love a manga that can make me question life and rethink my choices. i didn't even read the synopsis, just went right in for the art and boy was it more than u'll ever ask for. the plot, the characters, the storytellling, the message it succeedingly delivered- just everything about it is great. i can just see myself rereading this countless times fufufu

honestly, i tot it will have the same vibes as sign by ker but i'm really glad that it went deeper and really touched on different perspectives and stigmas about people who are deaf and hard of hearing. it also tied all ends well :,) just maybe more lovey dovey from the mc's haha

    no to red flag August 14, 2023 6:02 pm

    It hurts me both of them but I still love them huhuhu