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this is a story about men going through army training- but author/artist insist on putting...

ok January 11, 2013 5:06 pm

this is a story about men going through army training- but author/artist insist on putting some really fem guy in it who looks like he's 8-12 years old_ to the point that he needs to be lifted up to the chin up bar-----i don't think they'd let such a person in the service- and 2nd- i like to read about men_ not men doing characters that look like boys that don't even know what a hard on or wet dream is____is writing or inferring pedophilia an acceptable past time in japan/china/korea

    ceres0822 July 21, 2013 2:41 am

    To your queation of pedophilia the answer (unfortunately) is yes. About this story you have to keep in mind that Japanese people tend to look younger and are shorter than Americans and Europeans. There was a group of Japanese college freshmen that came to Philadelphia to do a Taiko show and (I swear) they looked like middle schoolers.

    Judo September 12, 2014 10:40 pm
    To your queation of pedophilia the answer (unfortunately) is yes. About this story you have to keep in mind that Japanese people tend to look younger and are shorter than Americans and Europeans. There was a gr... @ceres0822

    Right, before they hit the age of 30 they can pass for teens, then it's all downhill from there...