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Im sorry but ch two

theophania July 11, 2021 6:15 pm

THe adventure party was sus af... Imean three grown women following a little boy to his house for a very dumb reason. the boy was frightened, Im sorry if i was the MC i would have refused that is just creepy. And they were kinda rude Saying THey are "thinking of staying a night at his house"... Not even can we stay a night or please let us stay but we are thinking of it... they are saying it like he was the one who offered... ANd their reason is super stupid like because you are an interesting person... Dude arrest these girls for stalking and being creepy af... Im sorry but does these girls have a brain.. from the Whatever interesting stories they were told, they obviously know he is strong so they should know if he was a bad guy he could take advantage of them, and who and their right mind would stalk a little boy to the point of scaring him.. ANd the MC is like sure come in as long as you tell me stories? of course the frightened little brother won't mind it or that these girls arent just creepy but also rude and spoiled.
