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Dont Hate Meeeee!!

Nyx July 11, 2021 8:43 pm

I think Nian nian is somewhat at fault too, he could say the hes the real saver of Gu, but he chose to be silent, because I think he got contented of them being married. I know that he really loves Gu with all his heart, but he tolerated the abusive side of Gu to him so, some of his struggle now is his fault too he also got blinded by his love to him..

    後輩じゃない ^_−☆ July 11, 2021 8:46 pm


    noaki July 11, 2021 8:56 pm

    ok it is true he could have said the truth but maybe he tought that in the past three year gu would remember something or everything. but you are right it is not possible to be abused like that without saying smt

    koyabear July 11, 2021 9:25 pm

    (not hating on you at all + i am speaking from someone who was in a long term rs with an abuser) it is very very very hard to get away from your significant other who also abused know that what they are doing is not okay but you still choose to stay with them bcs you love them. yes loving them is the dumbest fucking thing ever bcs they are literally hurting you constantly but when i tell u it’s EXTREMELY hard to even think about leaving the person. niannian couldve told that asshole it was him that saved him in the past but lets be real here .. will that asshole really believe niannian??? that asshole cant think about anything except for him and that gold digging bitch so i highly doubt that he’ll believe niannian. again i’m not hating on you but that last line is so so dangerous to say to someone who went through an abusive relationship.. (again this is just my thoughts coming from my own experience)
    anyways! we can all agree that that asshole needs to get smacked in the face with karma, we all hate him and his side bitch:)

    koyabear July 11, 2021 9:29 pm
    ok it is true he could have said the truth but maybe he tought that in the past three year gu would remember something or everything. but you are right it is not possible to be abused like that without saying s... noaki

    uh yes it is very much possible for someone to get abused this much (& to even extreme cases) and not say anything to anyone, not even to your own family/closest friends...

    noaki July 11, 2021 9:36 pm
    (not hating on you at all + i am speaking from someone who was in a long term rs with an abuser) it is very very very hard to get away from your significant other who also abused know that what they are... koyabear

    your answer is very delicate. well I didn't experience that much. something verbally but not physically. it is true that you can keep silent but in my personal experience I was silent till one day I realize that my action were no right for me and for the others and I spoke ... well the help arrived and even if even today I remembered those days I think what I have done was for the best